Wednesday, February 13, 2013

post 2 induividuality

   Induviduality of Citizens

 My citizens are not alike in any way except for language. No two men are women look alike except for twins or triplets etc.  My citizens have their own choice of job, their own place to live, their way of marriage, and other things. The people have their own life they can live. They can choose everthing. When the children go to school, they can wear what ever they want to wear.


  1. This is good but I was picturing more along the lines of music and movies and art as well as the way they dress.

  2. I like how you let them choose there life's paths. However, I would offer them a bit of inspiration. You do not know how much you can change a person. Be the lighter to start the fire!

  3. sounds like america except no uniforms. WOOHOO!!! i'll come visit anytime!! anna
